blanket ban on bollywood celebs

Housemaids are an indispensable part of our daily lives and even a day without your maid, seems like an impossible task, right? So, it wouldn’t be wrong to quote, “The cleanliness of your house depends on how well you treat your maid.” It all boils down to how human and nice you are with your maid as that’s what will ultimately keep your abode a clean and happy place.

The reason we are discussing maids in so much depth is because we have stumbled upon an eye-opener blog written by Anupam Sinhal, CEO of the popular service provider portal, BookMyBai. He has penned a detailed letter imposing a blanket ban on providing services to Bollywood celebs altogether. And he has some serious reasons for the same that have left us in complete shock and disbelief.

Well, he hasn’t picked on the names of the celebs, but described five horrendous incidents of physical abuse and misbehaviour towards the maids by the celebs. He says, “This piece that I am writing is to bring awareness of how some of these Bollywood celebrities exploit services. I know that I am generalising and weighing them all in the same scale. But I am only talking out of my personal experience of providing a domestic help to over 20 Bollywood celebrities in Mumbai. This is also to put in a word of caution to other buddy-startups who might fall into the trap and end up losing that precious revenue. As a matter of fact, now BookMyBai has a blanket ban on all Bollywood celebrities and we have instructed our team to not provide domestic helps to any of them.”


Here are the five difficult instances mentioned in the letter, that are faced by the maids with the Bollywood celebs.

These instances lay focus on the sad reality of how the maids are treated and also bring to the fore, the dark side of Bollywood celebs mistreating their maids. It’s indeed commendable of the co-founder to take such a big decision which is in the interest of his employees.