In 2013, filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi, was accused of being a fraud by producers Dhanraj and Anil Jethani and a case was filed. Apparently, Rajkumar Santoshi owed some amount to the producers for which he issued few cheques. Unfortunately, these cheques bounced and a case was filed against him.
An update on this case states that the Rajkot Magistrate Court has charged the filmmaker under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. An arrest warrant was issued against him on January 17 and then, he was granted bail for a surety of Rs 25,000.
Reports in a tabloid suggest that the Court has warned Rajkumar Santoshi to be present in court or else his surety will be forfeited. He was apparently made to wait in court for all day and was warned too. Now the next hearing is set to take place on April 1, 2017.
When contacted, Anil Jethani said, “I sent him several legal notices which he did not respond to and after a while even stopped answering my calls as well.”
On the other hand, Rajkumar Santoshi claimed that it is a practice to malign his image. He quoted, “Anil Jethani comes to Mumbai to party, picking up young starlets for his films. He is sleazy and what he is claiming is untrue. My lawyers are replying to him with a legal notice and we are going to challenge him in court. He will be the one paying for this.The matter is subjudice, so why is Jethani talking to the media? He has no credentials and agreements with me and only wants to tarnish my reputation. I have refused to attend his functions and parties in the past. Why would I ever associate with such people?” (Also Read: Salman Khan’s film with Rajkumar Santoshi to release in Christmas 2017?)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.