Well, since morning, social media is abuzz with the inside pictures of Randhir Kapoor’s 70th Birthday bash. The Kapoor Khandaan organised a lavish bash to ring in the veteran actor’s birthday and it was attended by the who’s who of the industry. But here’s some interesting bit from the bash.
Apart from the biggies from Bollywood, there was one more person who gained quite some limelight at the bash. Karisma Kapoor’s rumoured boyfriend Sandeep Toshniwal was also a part of this party and was spotted chilling with the actress. In fact, he seemed quite comfortable with the Kapoor Khandan and was spotted interacting with them
Entertainment portal Spotboye, carried the inside pictures from the bash, revealing Sandeep’s presence at the event. Here are some of the pictures.
Sandeep Toshniwal and Karisma Kapoor spotted interacting with the actress’ mother Babita Kapoor.
Sandeep Toshniwal and Karisma Kapoor busy interacting.
Sandeep Toshniwal and Karisma Kapoor interacting with the guests there.
So does this mean that Karisma made her relationship with Sandeep official on her father’s birthday? Maybe.
Last we had heard that the businessman is on a hunt of a luxurious flat in Mumbai wherein the couple can move in together. Let’s wait and watch what happens next! (ALSO CHECK: Is that an engagement ring on Karisma Kapoor’s finger?)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.