The trailer of Saif Ali Khan’s ‘Kaalakaandi’ left us in splits with its dark humour. Fans of the genre are excitedly waiting for the movie and amidst all that, the makers have dropped a colourful bomb, the first song. Eccentric, full of colour bombs and totally bang on, ‘Swagpur Ka Chaudhary’ features the whole cast including Saif Ali Khan, Deepak Dobriyal, Akshay Oberoi, Sobhita Dhulipala, Kunaal Roy Kapur and more. The voice and words of Akshay Verma coupled with unconventional beats by music director Sameer Uddin are surely going to grow on you. This is will be the next club favourite for sure. Watch it here and get ready to channelise your inner ‘Swagpur Ka Chaudhary’. (Also Read: Kaalakaandi: The trailer is funny, but Saif Ali Khan is funnier!)
Grammar Nazi, word weaver, dreamer, bibliophile, technophile, caffeine addict, foodie, shuttling shopaholic! Mash it in a Bollywood recipe and voila! Pushpa, you’ve got her!