It seems Sunny Deol and Shah Rukh Khan have buried the hatchet and moved forward. As per a report in Mumbai Mirror, Sunny Deol was planning to make the remake of ‘Damini’ with his son, Karan Deol. The rights of ‘Damini’ are with Shah Rukh Khan’s production company, Red Chillies Entertainment. After SRK heard the news that Sunny Deol is planning for ‘Damini’ remake, he went to Sunny’s house and handed over the rights to him. Such a great gesture, isn’t it?
For the unversed, Sunny and Shah Rukh’s relationship turned frosty after the movie ‘Darr’. Earlier, in an interview with India TV, Sunny said, “I was doing a scene in the film where Shah Rukh stabs me. I had a heated discussion with Yash Chopra regarding that scene. I tried explaining that I am a commando officer in the film, my character is an expert, I am very fit, then how can this boy (Shah Rukh’s character in the film) beat me easily. He can beat me if I can’t see him. If he can stab me while I am looking at him, then I won’t be called a commando.”
He also said, “Since Yash ji was old, I respected him and couldn’t say anything. I put my hands inside my pocket as I was very angry. Soon, out of anger, I didn’t even realise that I had ripped my pants with my hands.”
For more such updates, stay tuned to this space.
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