Shahid Kapoor is a pap-friendly actor, and has been happily giving us poses, every time we hit the click button. Not only this, Shahid and Mira happily allow their little daughter Misha to get snapped too. That’s why, it was a shocker, when recently we saw Shahid covering his face at the airport, and rushing away, not keen to be clicked. This led to many rumours. While some said that it was for some endorsement, others also speculated that this may be for his upcoming movie, ‘Batti Gul Meter Chalu’. However, seems like, something even bigger and better is in store for us.
If sources are to be believed, then this look of Shahid is indeed for his upcoming project, but not the one everyone is thinking about. Again, if one goes by the birdies, then Imtiaz Ali and Shahid Kapoor are coming together for a movie, and that is why Shahid is hiding his new look from the cameras. (Also Read: VIEW PICS: Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput need to be cast in a film NOW!)
Well, well, forget the look for a while. Yes, it does make us curious. But not more than the fact that after a decade of the cult romance ‘Jab We Met’ that these two, along with Kareena Kapoor Khan, gave us, they are reuniting for a project. We cannot be more excited for the same, if it turns out to be true. Till then, we can just wait and speculate.
Imtiaz’s latest outing, ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma, proved to be disastrous at the box office, and was even average, commercially. Hopefully, this one will bring a respite. Waiting for an official confirmation on the same, and also for Shahid’s look.
Grammar Nazi, word weaver, dreamer, bibliophile, technophile, caffeine addict, foodie, shuttling shopaholic! Mash it in a Bollywood recipe and voila! Pushpa, you’ve got her!