Since 2002, Salman Khan has been making it to the headlines with his hit and run case. In 2002, Salman’s luxurious car rammed into a bakery killing one and injuring four, after which Salman was charged for drinking and driving crime. Finally, after 13 long years, the session court had passed a judgement, unfortunately against Salman and he was sentenced to five years imprisonment. Salman then challenged this judgement in The Bombay High court, and now justice A. R Joshi is the judge who’s hearing the case.
The latest update of this controversial case is that the prosecution has finished with its arguments and have urged the judgement makers to not be lenient, as this case would set an example for many. While concluding the arguments, the chief Public Prosecution Sandeep Shinde said, “We have produced credible witnesses to establish that Salman had consumed alcohol at the Rain Bar & Restaurant before going to JW Marriot Hotel. While returning from there, he dashed his vehicle near the A1-Bakery – It was he who is responsible for the mishap.”
Further, he also said that “Drunken driving has become a menace to our society. Every day, drunken driving results in accidents and several human lives are lost… Late night parties among urban elite have now become a way of life followed by drunken driving…” Therefore, The Bombay High Court should uphold Salman Khan’s five-year long jail conviction charged by the session court for culpable homicide not amounting to murder, said the prosecution.
Justice A. R Joshi will soon dictate his judgement on the same.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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