Everyone is eagerly waiting for Salman Khan‘s most awaited film ‘Sultan’ to hit the theatres. But, the way the film is progressing it seems that Bhaijaan’s fans will have to wait a bit too long to watch him as the wrestler. Recently, we had come across a news which said that Salman’s lethargic behaviour is leading to a delay in the shoot of the film. Apparently, Salman calls up at the last moment and calls off the shooting citing various reasons.
This is not the first time that Salman has caused trouble for the makers. There have been numerous reports which revealed that Salman works according to his will and does not follow the schedule properly. But when it came to ‘Sultan,’ we thought that the star is extremely dedicated to the project considering the efforts that he is putting in for his role. Still there were reports which said that the movie shoot has come to a halt because of Salman’s laziness. Keeping all of this aside, a little birdie now tells us that there are some creative differences between the Khan and his producer Aditya Chopra because of which ‘Sultan’ shoot has come to a halt. Now we don’t know what is it that is creating a problem between the two but, it’s sure that whatever the reason is it is hampering the film.
Apart from this, Salman is apparently not happy with the maker for pushing the release date of the film. The movie was supposed to release on Eid but, due to it’s clashing with Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Raees’ it has been postponed to release either in August or September.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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