Karan Johar’s ‘Student Of The Year’, marked the successful debut of three newcomers in the industry, Sidharth Malhotra, Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan. The movie which proved to be quite a rage among the viewers completes 4 years of its release today and Sidharth has a special message for his co-stars, on the occasion.
The actor took to his Instagram account to share a video in which he is thanking Karan for giving him birth and also sharing a sweet message for Alia and Varun, who are together shooting for ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania.’
Also Read: You won’t believe who auditioned for Alia Bhatt’s role in ‘Student Of The Year’
Isn’t that sweet?
Karan’s bet with Sidharth, Varun and Alia proved to be a winner as all three are doing equally great in movies. They have been delivering hits, one after the other, and we cannot wait for three more faces to enter the industry with the film’s sequel.
‘SOTY 2’ is now in the offing and Tiger Shroff has already been finalised as one of the leads of the film.
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