With the poster of Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter’s Bollywood debut film ‘Dhadak’, we have also got exposed to the lady’s official Instagram account. Yes, filmmaker Karan Johar in his tweet revealed the official handle of Janhvi and called it as her debut on social media platform. (Also Check: Dhadak posters: Ishaan and Janhvi all set to create ripples with their Bollywood debut)
He tweeted,
Well, the stalker inside us suddenly came to life and we scanned the given Instagram profile of Janhvi. Her account is filled with beautiful pictures of hers and her loved ones. So with all the scanning, here are five facts about Janhvi that we got acquainted with, thanks to her now official Instagram profile.
1. Karan Johar in his tweet mentioned that Janhvi has made her Instagram debut today, but when we checked the ate of the first picture that she uploaded on the account, one can figure that it is an old Instagram account. The first Instagram upload she had made on April 27, 2014.
2. Janhvi Kapoor is totally in love with bling. In quite a few pictures, we see her sporting extremely bling-y outfits. Be it sporting traditional ensembles or a cute little dress, Janhvi loves to glitter all her way.
3. She was a healthy, cute little kid. Some of her Instagram posts give us a sneak peek into her childhood and going by the pictures, we can derive that Janhvi was a cute little potato when a kid. She also seems to be father Boney Kapoor’s favourite.
4. Janhvi seems to be a travel junky. A lot of her Instagram uploads are of the exotic locations she has travelled too. Looks like she loves to travel and fortunately she has the power to do so.
5. Last but not the least, her Instagram profile reveals that she has completed her graduation. We have a video of her and friends from the graduation ceremony. We know how aspiring actors give up on their education to be a part of this industry, but Janhvi seems to have her priorities set.
Source: Instagram
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.