Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ relationship has been hitting the headlines ever since they walked the Red Carpet at the Met Gala in 2017. According to reports, the lovebirds made their relationship official by getting engaged on our Desi Girls birthday in New York. In a most romantic manner, Nick had shut down a Tiffany & Co. store to pick the perfect $200,000 engagement ring for his ladylove.
Yesterday, Nick landed in Mumbai with his parents for the engagement party that will be held tomorrow (18th August) and will be attended by Priyanka’s family and friends. Nick’s parents were seen carrying a huge bag from Tiffany and Co perhaps a gift to welcome their future daughter in law.
Here we bring some unknown facts of Priyanka’s beau Nick Jonas:
Nick Jonas aka Nicholas Jerry Jonas was born on September 16, 1992, in Dallas, Texas. His mother, Denise (née Miller), is a former sign language teacher and singer and his father Paul Kevin Jonas is a songwriter, musician, and former ordained minister at an Assemblies of God church.
He was raised in Wyckoff, New Jersey and was homeschooled by his mother. He has two older brothers Kevin and Joe and a younger brother Frankie who is often referred to by fans as ‘Frank the Tank’ or ‘Bonus Jonas.’
Nick’s singing talent was discovered at a barbershop when he was six-years-old. The singer began performing on Broadway before he was eight. He also acted in several plays, including ‘A Christmas Carol’. He starred alongside Jack Black, Karen Gillan, the Rock and Kevin Hart in the reboot of ‘Jumanji’ that came out last December. But this wasn’t his first foray into acting. He’s also appeared in TV shows like ‘Kingdom’ and ‘Scream Queens’ and alongside James Franco in 2016’s ‘Goat’.
Nicks formed the Jonas Brothers band with his brothers Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas that made him a popular figure. The trio became Disney Legends and even starred in the successful franchise ‘Camp Rock’ which became a cult youth classic. Their studio album ‘A Little Bit Longer’ was a commercial success. However, the trio did part ways due to creative differences.
The singer was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 13 and developed the ‘Change for the Children Foundation’ to raise money and awareness for kids with the disease. The organization has partnered with five different charities, their goal is to raise money and awareness for diabetes. He also supports the ‘American Diabetes Association’ and ‘Beyond Type 1’.
He’s a Golden Globe nominee, he received his first Golden Globe nomination for Best Original Song-Motion Picture for ‘Home’. The song featured in the animated comedy ‘Ferdinand’.
His favorite drink at Starbucks is the Green Tea Frappuccino and his favorite soda is Diet Pepsi. Nick has an interesting way of eating hamburgers. He eats all around the edges, in a circle, instead of eating them straight through. He can also do one-handed cartwheels.
Nick made it to 2015’s Sexiest Men Alive list. Later in 2016, he was also listed as the Sexiest Men in Pop by Capital FM. Apart from this, he has also dated several singers including Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, model and beauty queen Olivia Culpo, who was a year older than him. For a short time, he was linked to actress Kate Hudson, 13 years older. Nick started out dating Australian singer-songwriter Delta Goodrem, she was 27, while he was just 18. Their relationship lasted 10 months. He is 11 years younger than Priyanka, but according to friends, their age difference is not a big deal.
Wishing Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra a blissful life ahead.
Also Read: In Pics: Nick Jonas arrives in Mumbai with his family in tow