Last December, we witnessed two big budget, multi-starrer films ‘Dilwale’ and ‘Bajirao Mastani’ clashing at the box-office and the result was a neck-to-neck competition between the two. So if this was the case when two movies emerged together for a clash then just imagine what will happen when three films starring three superstars of Bollywood release on the same date? Well, this iconic day is not far when three superstars will step into the battleground with their respective films as Aamir Khan‘s ‘Dangal,’ Akshay Kumar’s ‘Rustom’ and Hrithik Roshan’s ‘Mohenjo Daro’ are set to clash.
If reports are to be believed then Aamir Khan, who had earlier reserved the week of Christmas for the release of his film, has had a change of mind and is now planning to prepone the release of ‘Dangal’. He now wants to release his film in the month of August on Independence Day. This decision of Aamir’s has led to a war between three films. Akshay Kumar’s ‘Rustom’ had already grabbed the slot of Independence Day and so did Hrithik’s ‘Mohenjo Daro.’ This sudden change in the release date of ‘Dangal’ is a shocker for everyone.
A renowned trade analyst was quoted saying, “This is shocking as Aamir had already reserved the Christmas Day weekend for Dangal. And advancing like this, and that too by a good four months, is unprecedented. More than anything else, this disturbs the Bollywood release calendar in a major way since there are biggies involved.”
Though the ‘Dangal’ team hasn’t officially announced any change in the release date but, if it’s true then the month of August is surely going to be one eventful month.
So who according to you will emerge victorious in this war, Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan or Akshay Kumar? Do let us know in the comment section below.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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