Ira Khan, daughter of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan recently got engaged to her long-time beau, Nupur Shikhare, in an intimate engagement ceremony in Mumbai. The engagement party was also attended by Aamir’s Dangal co-star Fatima Sana Shaikh. Since the engagement, videos of Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare from their party are viral on Instagram.
On Monday, Ira Khan shared an adorable video from the ceremony. The video featured cute moments of Ira with her to-be husband. Fatima Sana Shaikh, who attended the party took to her Instagram to react to the post made by Khan. She re-posted the video shared by Aamir Khan’s daughter.
Re-posting the engagement video on her Instagram stories, Fatima wrote, “Ayeeee cuties… Kya awkward log ho (what awkward people you are) @nupur_shikhare @khan.ira.” As she made the post, Khan was quick to reply. She said, “It’s true but we’re cute in our awkwardness.”
Take a look at the post below:
Apart from Ira, her fiance Nupur also reacted to Fatima Sana Shaikh’s post. He wrote, “Haan woh toh hain Par kya mazza aaya. (Yes, it is but did you had fun)?”
Check out the post below:
Aamir Khan’s daughter had taken to her Instagram to share the video from her engagement with Nupur Shikhare. The couple was filmed locking lips and exchanging rings. They looked adorable.
Sharing the video, Ira wrote, “This moment. Multiple people on multiple occasions have told me that I throw really good parties. I think they give me a little too much credit. The main difference between my parties and other people parties is the guest list. The people in our lives are what make it happy and fun and quirky and so very, very wholesome.”
Watch the video below:
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Meanwhile, Ira and Nupur’s engagement party was attended by Aamir Khan, his mother, Kiran Rao and many others.
Also Read: Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare seal the deal with a kiss after exchanging rings- WATCH