Aamir Khan has managed to pique the interest of one and all with his ‘kahaani’. About a few days ago, a video of the actor playing cricket with his team, surfaced on the internet. The video was shared by Aamir Khan productions. And, the actor could be seen talking about a ‘kahaani’ that he wants to share with everyone. Later, another video featuring Aamir saw him talking about the date and location that he has decided to share the story. A new video shows the actor dropping another hint about the ‘kahaani’ in an Andaz Apna Apna style.
In the video shared on Instagram, the Laal Singh Chaddha actor talks about the location where he is planning to share the ‘kahaani’. Aamir is seen playing foosball with his team and engaging in a conversation with his fans via the video. What’s interesting about the video is Khan’s Andaz Apna Apna inspired shirt.
Aamir is wearing an orange coloured Andaz Apna Apna inspired shirt. The shirt is printed with “Release GoGo“, referring to Crime Master Gogo, a character played by Shakti Kapoor in the film Andaz Apna Apna.
Take a look at the video below:
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Talking about the video, Khan also mentioned that he will share the story on April 28, on a radio station.
Meanwhile, many fans reacted to the video. One commented, “Yup release GoGo,” while another commented, “Can’t keep calm and chor ke saare kaam be ready for 28th.” A third fan said, “Btw curious about kahani.” Another user commented, “My idol always looks active and cool,” while a fifth one said, “All eyes on crime master gogo.”
Previously, some months back, the Andaz Apna Apna director confirmed that there will be a remake. Rajkumar Santoshi said he is writing a script.
On the work front, Aamir is awaiting the release of his movie Laal Singh Chaddha, with Kareena Kapoor Khan. The film is scheduled to release in August, this year.
Also Read: Aamir Khan shares about a ‘Kahaani’ as he plays cricket with his team, Watch