Aamir Khan has returned from the North, after a long shooting schedule in Leh Ladakh. A few days ago, the actor was clicked at the Mumbai airport, with his son Azaad and Kiran Rao. Aamir was in the Ladakh region for the shoot of his upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha. On Thursday, September 17, Aamir Khan made a candid appearance in the city. Aamir Khan was clicked with his daughter, Ira Khan. The father-daughter were spotted at dinner with his daughter in Mumbai during the evening.
A paparazzo shared pictures and videos of Aamir Khan and his daughter Ira leaving a restaurant in the city. The actor took time off from the shoot of his movie Laal Singh Chaddha. In the video, Aamir and Ira were clicked while heading out. The 3 Idiots actor was clicked wearing black shirt and grey and white chequered pants. He and Ira donned blue face masks. While Aamir made a classy appearance, Ira kept it casual. She was wearing a white loose shirt and pants.
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Aamir Khan waved at the paparazzi stationed outside the restaurant after heading out of the restaurant. The actor then headed to his car and Ira followed. Aamir almost entered his car to leave, but walked out again. He then gave Ira Khan a warm embrace. The actor said goodbye to his daughter with a sweet hug and left for home.
On the work front, Aamir is busy with the shooting of Laal Singh Chaddha. The film also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan in a key role. The actress was recently clicked on the sets of the film as she shot for her pending scenes. She later left for a vacation with her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan and their children.
Laal Singh Chaddha stars Mona Singh and Naga Chaitanya as well. The film is a Hindi remake of the Hollywood film The Forrest Gump. It is expected to hit theatres in December 2021.
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