Dhoom3 has created Dhoom at box office. This Aamir Khan starrer has broken the records of Chennai Expres and Krrish 3 too. Dhoom 3 has minted around 30 crore for Hindi version and around 34 crore for Tamil and Telugu version, making it the highest ever opening day collection. Breaking the record set by Chennai Expres at Rs 33.12 crore and Krrish 3 at Rs 25 crores.
As per sources, Taran Adarsh tweeted, #Dhoom3 emerges the BIGGEST non-holiday opener ever. Collects ₹ 30 cr+ [early est] on Friday. Hindi version only. Dhoom macha diya indeed, Internationally, #Dhoom3 is in Top 5 charts in key markets. UK: No 4, Australia: No 5, New Zealand: No 5. USA yet to compile. HISTORIC.
The action thriller has also shattered records in overseas market. The film has started with a bang at overseas box offices too raking in £247,783 (₹2.50 crore) from UK, NZ$ 69,162 (₹35 lakh) from New Zealand and A$ 157,207 (₹86.94 lakh) from Australian box offices.
The movie has received a great response from the public not only in Multiplexes but also in Single screens.