Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has been given the tag of being Mr Perfectionsist. The ‘Dangal’ actor despite being 53 years of age leaves nothing to chance and works really hard at his craft. Aamir believes in giving 100% all the time and can go to any extent for the demand of the role.
The legendary actor interacted with the media at a Sunday brunch at Mia Cucina. As per the news agency IANS, Asked about how his usual Sunday brunch, he said: “Earlier, I used to do so many things but now I am on a very strict diet for my new film. So, I have started getting back into shape.”
The ‘Ghajini’ actor further added, “I cannot tell you which one it is but it’s for my new film.” He was out for a brunch with his daughter Ira Khan.
Aamir Khan has over the years gone for huge transformation when it comes to preparation for his films. The recent examples being ‘Dangal’, where he had to lose around 30 kgs to look like a young wrestler. During the making of ‘Ghajini’, Aamir worked hard on his physique and developed six-pack muscles.
Aamir’s last release ‘Thugs of Hindostan’ didn’t do that well at the box office. The film also had Amitabh Bachchan and plenty was expected from this magnum opus.
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Also Read: In Pics: Aamir Khan and daughter Ira spotted at a suburban eatery
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