Following footsteps of father Aamir Khan, Ira is all set to make her directorial debut with a theatrical production-‘Euripides Medea’. Apparently, the play is said to have a Greek tragedy storyline, which is said to be showcased in the selected cities, this year in India. While much has not been made official about the play, the star kid has already started gearing up for it.
A source close to the development has informed the news agency IANS that, Ira has already kickstarted working for directorial debut and the premiere of her play is scheduled to happen in the month of December this year. While talking about the same, Ira has informed the news agency, “There’s no particular reason that I decided to start with theatre. I love theatre, it’s magical and all-consuming; in its classical form, in the world of technology, it’s very real and physical. I love the suspension of disbelief that the audience allows for because then there’s so much you can express.”
“In terms of more plays, I’d have to find a story that I want to tell. I don’t have a particular genre that I like. I’m not particularly into horror but other than that I’m open to all sorts of stories”, she concluded saying.
While several B-town star kids are inclined towards making their acting debut, Ira has already cleared that she is not considering the idea of acting. Just like her father, Ira is also quite particular on the professional fronts.
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Also Read: Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan is missing her beau Mishaal Kirpalani; calls it an existential crisis
Journalist by profession, having roots in Bollywood & Television. Perennially hungry for all thing Fashion. A good listener and attracted by the glitter of glamour world. I believe in maniacs…. Love, Smile & Blossom.
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