King Khan Shah Rukh Khan is hands down one of the most loved and respected superstars we have in Bollywood. The actor, who turned a year older today, will be celebrating his special day with his fans by unveiling the trailer of his most awaited film ‘Zero’. And much to our delight, Aanand L. Rai, the director of ‘Zero’ has wished the King of Romance by sharing a new poster of the film.
Aanand who fondly calls Shah Rukh Khan as ‘Khan Saab’ took to the micro-blogging site and posted a very touching birthday wish for the actor. Rai wrote, “Duaaon ki agar shakl hoti to uske gaalon pe bhi kya aise hi dimple padte? uss hasi ke naam jiski hasi se laakhon ke chehron pe hasi aajaati hai! Janamdin mubarak Khan Saab @iamsrk“
You can check his post here:
Duaaon ki agar shakl hoti to uske gaalon pe bhi kya aise hi dimple padte? ?uss hasi ke naam jiski hasi se laakhon ke chehron pe hasi aajaati hai! Janamdin mubarak Khan Saab @iamsrk ?
— AANAND L RAI (@aanandlrai) November 2, 2018
Now isn’t that the sweetest birthday wish?
So guys are you ready to celebrate the birthday of Shah Rukh Khan as well as the trailer launch of ‘Zero’?
Also starring Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, ‘Zero’ is all set to hit the silver screens on December 21.
For more such interesting updates, keep watching this space.
Also Read: Five things we are looking forward to seeing in Shah Rukh’s ‘Zero’ trailer
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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