Amitabh Bachchan has always managed to leave the audience stunned with his characters and one of them was Vijay Singh Rajput in the 2002 hit film, Aankhen. Big B played a blind mastermind who manages to rob a bank successfully along with two other blind men played by Akshay Kumar and Arjun Rampal. Looks like the Piku star is all set to make a comeback as the blind mastermind in Aankhen 2. But this time, the sequel will co-star Akshaye Kumar and Sidharth Malhotra.
Aankhen 2 will be directed by Abinay Deo, the movie was also said to star Sunil Grover but there has been no confirmation about it yet. If the reports are to be believed then Aankhen 2 will go on floors in May this year.
According to a report by Mid-day, talking about the sequel, a source revealed, “The heist in Aankhen 2 is being planned on a grander scale. The temperamental Vijay Singh Rajput returns after serving his prison sentence and leads a new team of visually-impaired people, played by Sidharth, Akshaye and Sunil, as they rob a gaming establishment. Considering the story is set abroad, the unit has done recce in the UK and Bulgaria. If all goes well, the three actors will kick off the first schedule from May 20 with Bachchan joining them later.”
Director Deo had confirmed the news of Big B, Akshaye and Sidharth starring in the sequel but refrained from giving any more details.
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Meanwhile, Sidharth is currently filming for his next Mission Majnu in Lucknow and he will begin his prep for Aankhen 2 from mid-April ahead of the shoot in May.