Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor has often created a buzz with their on-screen chemistry in Aashiqui 2 and OK Jaanu. Now, as per the latest reports, the duo will be reuniting for Mohit Suri’s upcoming project.
Mohit Suri brings Aditya Roy Kapur & Shraddha Kapoor together again
According to Filmfare’s trusted sources, Aditya and Shraddha are set to come together once again in director Mohit Suri’s upcoming project. It is said to be a romantic drama, and given the duo’s remarkable chemistry, it promises to deliver some unforgettable moments. A source revealed, “The final details are being ironed out, but both Aditya and Shraddha are keen to sign the dotted line. Mohit Suri and his creative team are currently fine-tuning the story and screenplay. Fans can expect an official announcement soon.”
Last year, fans’ eagerness for this reunion was evident on multiple occasions. A video of Aditya and Shraddha meeting on a rainy day in September 2024 went viral, followed by Shraddha’s photos with an Aditya lookalike that took Instagram by storm in October.
We are impatiently anticipating the official announcement of this highly anticipated collaboration, just like their many admirers. Hopefully, an announcement will be made shortly.