Just a few days back a picture of gorgeous Katrina Kaif receiving a warm hug from her ‘Bharat’ co-star Salman Khan’s mother Salma took the internet by storm. The picture was apparently taken on the sets of ‘Bharat’ and was shared on the photo-sharing site by none other than Salman’s sister Arpita Khan Sharma. However, she had deleted that lovely picture later.
We wonder if Arpita did so as Katrina’s bridal look from ‘Bharat’ was revealed because of that picture or was it because netizens started commenting on that picture as ‘Saas-Bahu’ goals. Interestingly, Arpita’s husband Aayush Sharma who is currently busy promoting his upcoming film ‘Loveratri’, spilled the beans on why his wife deleted that picture from her social media account.
You can check that picture here:
At a recent media-interaction when asked about the reason behind Arpita deleting that picture, Aayush replied, “Pata Nahi, kyun delete ki. Achhi photo thi, maine bhi dekhi (I don’t know why she deleted it, it was a good photo). Woh on-set photos honge ya koi galat connotation na chala jaye is liye delete ki hongi (She may have deleted it as it could have been a photo from the sets or to avoid wrong connotations and interpretation). But, it was a sweet photo.”
So guys now you know why Arpita deleted that picture? However, we really loved that picture. Hope Arpita keeps treating us with more such pictures from the sets of ‘Bharat’.
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, ‘Bharat’ will see Katrina sharing screen space with Salman Khan.
Stay tuned for more such interesting updates.
Also Read: Salman Khan’s mother Salma Khan shares a warm hug with Katrina Kaif
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