Actor Aayush Sharma celebrated his birthday on October 26 by releasing the new motion poster of his upcoming movie Ruslaan. The look got immense love and appreciation from fans and well-wishers. Now, he gave us a peek into his birthday celebration with his wife Arpita Khan Sharma and their kids. The celebration was so intimate and filled with love that it made our hearts warm. From cutting the cake to spending time with his family by the beach, everything about his birthday celebration was too cute.
Taking us through the birthday celebration, the Antim actor dropped some pictures and videos from his celebration. Aayush not only mentioned how special it was to celebrate his birthday with family but also thanked fans for showering love on Ruslaan. He wrote, “Khushnaseeb hai woh jise itna saara pyaar milta hai apne janam din paar. Aap sab ke messages padhe, thank you for giving me and the poster of Ruslaan so much love. This birthday has been very special cos I celebrated with my loving family away from the hustle of the city and you’ll have made it even more special with all your love. Ab intezaar hai 12th January, 2024 #ruslaan.”
Here’s how Aayush Sharma celebrated his birthday
Arpita Khan wished him on Instagram by releasing the Ruslaan’s motion poster. She wrote, “Happy Birthday my Love aka Ruslaan. On this special day, I pray for your success, great health & happiness. Over the decade it’s amazing to see you transform from a boy to a man & now it’s time for the world to see through your eyes & get a glimpse of your hardwork & passion. Shine bright my star @aaysharma love you.”
Aayush Sharma is now gearing up for the release of his next action-thriller Ruslaan. The poster features him with a guitar and a gun has left everyone intrigued. The film will hit theatres next year on January 12, 2024.
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