Aayush Sharma and Warin Hussain are promoting their debut film ‘Loveratri’ in full swing these days. The duo recently launched the first song of the film titled ‘Chogada‘ in Vadodara. Before reaching the song launch event, Aayush and Warina took a bike ride on the streets of the city.
But guess what, Aayush forgot to follow some basic traffic rules due to which the actor was fined. The actors were spotted riding the bike without a helmet and according to a report in Times Of India, the couple has been fined Rs 100.
The report states that the Vadodara Police arrived at their hotel late in the night to issue the memos to them. “We sent cops to issue a memo to both the actors at their hotel. They are celebrities and hence they should understand their responsibilities and follow traffic laws,” TOI quoted assistant commissioner of police (traffic) Amita Vanani.
Coming to their film, with Garba being an essential factor in the story, both Aayush and Warina took extensive lessons to learn the dance form. The leading pair Aayush and Warina have been piquing the interest of the audience with videos and pictures from their Garba training.
Written by Niren Bhatt, ‘Loveratri’ is directed by Abhiraj Minawala, who will also be making his directorial debut with the film. The romantic drama will mark the next venture of Salman Khan Films.
‘Loveratri’ is produced by Salman Khan under the banner of Salman Khan Films and is slated to release on 5th October 2018.
Also Read: Here’s a sneak peek into the biggest trailer launch event of ‘Loveratri’