Abhijeet Bhattacharya and his rants, both are turning more bizarre every day. Even after making downright disgusting personal attacks on director-producer Karan Johar’s sexuality, he has not calmed down. This time, he took to Twitter and wrote, “Dushmano ke sath ishq, shaukin parties.. 1 taraf humare jawano ki Chita Jale aur Teri Pak starer film theatre pe lage ? Gaddar #KaranJohar”! ( Partying and cosying up with enemies! On one hand, our soldiers are dying and you’re releasing your film starring a Pakistani actor? Traitor!) [sic]
Dushmano ke sath ishq, shaukin parties.. 1 taraf humare jawano ki Chita Jale aur Teri Pak starer film theatre pe lage ? Gaddar #KaranJohar pic.twitter.com/0fs8YWgeNV
— abhijeet (@abhijeetsinger) 18 October 2016
Also Read: Abhijeet Bhattacharya responds to Anurag Kashyap and misses the point yet again
Earlier, he also targeted Salman Khan and Mahesh Bhatt, who opposed the ban on Pakistani artistes and said that artistes were not to be blamed for terrorist attacks. Not just a traitor, Abhijeet has earlier hinted at an illegitimate relationship between Karan Johar and Fawad Khan.
Can someone ask this man to chill?
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Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.