Abhishek Bachchan starrer The Big Bull has released today. The movie is streaming on Disney+Â Hotstar. Abhishek is all praise for his producer Ajay Devgn who he says that he looks up to as an elder brother. Abhishek and Ajay have worked together in Bol Bachchan and now the producer-actor duo is all set to blow the audience away with The Big Bull.
Abhishek is grateful to Ajay for offering him The Big Bull. And he feels Ajay has only the best intentions at heart. In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, Abhishek recalled, “When I came back to India for my education, I joined as production boy for my father’s company ABCL and the first movie that I worked on was a film that Ajay was acting in. I ended up being an AD on that film and Ajay just took me under his wing and taught me most of what I know about the film. Since that day he has been like an elder brother to me and he is somebody I have immense love and respect for.”
Revealing about being offered The Big Bull, Abhishek said, “It is a matter of great pride that when Ajay as a producer picks up the phone and says ‘Look I’ve got this film and I want you to do it’. For me the answer is yes and I’m never gonna question what Ajay chooses for me because I also have faith that Ajay is not going to call me if he doesn’t think it is worth it. The last time he picked up the phone and told me that there is a movie and you have to do it was Bol Bachchan and we all know how that panned out. I know he has got my best intentions in mind and he has been an integral part of my journey as an actor. He is a very close friend of mine and somebody that I can really rely on. It helps that he is my neighbour so we have kept each other entertained through the lockdown. He is just such a special person in my journey and a huge pillar of support for me. He does it with such dignity and I think he conducts his life like that as well. He is very understated and he does not like to be in the face kind of thing but he’s one I know if I call him at 4 o’clock in the morning he’ll be there for me and he knows that I will be there for him.”
He further added, “I’m so happy that he thought me worthy of this film. Being an actor of his calibre and status, to get a script like The Big Bull and get to think of his younger brother to do it; I think therein lies how great he is. Every actor will think about themselves first. He felt that I could do justice to it and that adds a huge burden of responsibility on my shoulders because ADF which is his film company is as good as my company, he’s family to me so I feel a huge amount of responsibility to do the best that we can and deliver the product that he thought we could make. More than anything else, My greatest wish is that he is proud of the film.”