Superstar Shahrukh Khan has led the way by investing in IPL series. SRK  owns the ‘Kolkata Knight Riders’,  and now good friend Abhishek Bachchan too is all set to follow the Khan’s footsteps by investing in sports . It seems that he has bought a pro Kabaddi franchise. Junior Bachchan has invested in the Jaipur franchise of the IPL-style professional kabaddi league that is scheduled to be held in eight venues across the country in July and August this year.
According to sources,  the Pro Kabaddi League officials confirmed the news and said, “It is nice to know that Bollywood’s first family has embraced kabaddi. Abhishek always wanted to invest in sports. Obviously, he liked the idea of professional kabaddi and was keen on Jaipur.” Abhishek is set to join the likes of Ronnie Screwala, Rajesh Shah (Mukand Group), Kishore Biyani, Uday Kotak (Kotak Bank), GMR, Murugappa Group. The annual investment by an owner has been fixed around Rs 5 crore, including Rs 1-1.5 crore for franchise rights.
India’s first professional kabaddi league, is a joint initiative of industrialist Anand Mahindra and sports commentator Charu Sharma through their firm Mashal Sportsand would feature eight city-based franchises who would play on a home and away basis in Mumbai, Kolkata, Patna, Jaipur, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore and Delhi.