Actor Ashutosh Rana has tested positive for coronavirus. The 53-year-old actor said he contracted the virus days after receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on 6 April. The actor was last seen in Umesh Bist’s Pagglait alongside Sanya Malhotra, Sheeba Chaddha, Ashutosh Rana, Raghuvir Yadav, and Sayani Gupta. The film, which released on Netflix, has received a warm response from the audience and critics.
Earlier, actor-politician Nagma had tested positive for COVID-19, after receiving the first dose of the vaccine. The actress took to her Twitter and informed her followers. She tweeted, ‘‘Had taken my 1st dose of Vaccine a few days ago, tested for COVID-19, my test has come ‘Positive’ so Quarantined myself at home. All Please take care and take all necessary precautions even after taking the 1st dose of Vaccine do not get complacent in anyway manner #staysafe!”
The list seems long as singer Palash Sen had also tested positive for COVID-19 after taking the first dose of the preventive vaccine. In a social media post, he wrote, ”Hello everyone. Today is not a good news day. But today is the day I begin a new fight. Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19 and I am under home quarantine. I am fighting this disease with a regular dose of rest, yoga, Ayurveda, hydration and rock N roll. I request everyone who has come in contact with me in the last few days, to get themselves tested and isolate themselves. This has happened despite me having recently taken the first dose of the vaccine.”
Paresh Rawal is also one of those celebs who tested positive after taking the COVID-19 jab. Meanwhile, India on April 13 recorded 1,61,736 new cases of the coronavirus, according to numbers released by the Ministry of Health. Maharashtra had reported 63,294 infections on Sunday, its highest daily spike since the onset of the pandemic.
The entertainment industry is badly affected by COVID. Actors like Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, Bhumi Pednekar among others have been recovering and are under home quarantine. While many others like Akshay Kumar, Kartik Aaryan, Varun Dhawan, Ranbir Kapoor, Tabassum have tested negative. Akshay Kumar returned home after being hospitalised post his COVID-19 diagnosis last week, his wife, actor-turned-author Twinkle Khanna, confirmed on Monday.
Also Read: Court actor Vira Sathidar passes away due to Covid-19