On Thursday, January 16, the nation woke up to the shocking news that Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been stabbed several during an attempted robbery at his Bandra residence. The actor – who inserted himself between the burglar and his kids and their caretaker, sustained six stab wounds – two of which were pretty close to his spine during the scuffle. The actor was rushed to Bandra’s Lilavati soon after and has been receiving medical attention there ever since.
Now, latest media reports suggest that Saif Ali Khan will be discharged from the hospital later today. Read on for more details.
Saif Ali Khan to be discharged
As per a recent India Today report, actor Saif Ali Khan will likely be discharged today, Tuesday, January 21. According to the report, doctors at Lilavati Hospital stated the actor will be released from the hospital between 10 am. and 12 pm. Other reports reveal the actor will likely be discharged by afternoon.
About the attack
On January 16, a burglar entered Saif Ali Khan during the wee hours. While the robbery attempts failed, the actor was stabbed multiple time as he attempted to keep his kids and house help safe from harm. The incident took place at 2:15 am. After the attack, the actor’s sons took him to Lilavati Hospital in an autorickshaw around 2:30 am. There, the actor reportedly underwent two surgeries, including one for the removal of a 2.5-inch-long blade
The intruder, identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, was apprehended by the authorities in Hiranandani Estate, Thane, as he tried to escape to his hometown in Bangladesh’s Jhalokati district.
The actor’s sister – Saba Pataudi took to social media and shared a health update about Saif. He wrote, “So good to be back and spend time with bhai. Happy to see him stay positive and recover gradually and steadily during the past 2 days. While I didn’t realize I’d fractured my finger until recently, reminding bhai and me of abba’s (father’s) cricket injuries! I was tempted to leave mine to set like his, by doing nothing but that didn’t pan out! Glad to be with family! Always together.”
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