Adhyayan Suman has been living with the tag of Kangana Ranaut’s ex-boyfriend since time immemorial. The actor has been trying to reinvent his career ever since the two split, but nothing has been working. The actor has found love after Kangana also, but whenever that happens, he is always tagged as Kangana’s past. This has infuriated him time and again, and he took to social media to blast some media publications a little while ago.
For those who’ve come in late, Adhyayan has been making headlines for the past couple of days for having found love again. This time, the lady in question is Splitsvilla contestant Maera Mishra. As soon as the news of the two being an item came out, media houses started making articles about the same. All was good and Adhyayan was enjoying the attention until the publications kept on calling him Kangana Ranaut’s ex-boyfriend over and over again.
Adhyayan took to Twitter to blast them. He says that he didn’t want to talk about his love life in the open, but he found it disrespectful to be called as someone’s ex.
Hi usually I won’t talk about this..I am ok with people making assumptions about my love life but it’s disrespectful to be addressed as some body’s ex .. I would appreciate just out of sheer respect to be called adhyayan..regards
— adhyayan S Suman (@AdhyayanSsuman) January 17, 2019
He went on to blast another publication by shouting out that he has a name. He clears the air saying that he isn’t her ex but on the contrary, Kangana is her ex, referring to the fact that he dumped her and not the other way round. He also hinted that Kangana is a forgotten chapter for him, but looking at his rage, it doesn’t seem so.
I have a name ..with due respect call me adhyayan suman ..Iam not her x she’s my x infact she’s my xyz a forgotten chapter !
— adhyayan S Suman (@AdhyayanSsuman) January 21, 2019
Adhyayan goes on also teach some ethics to the publication.
Just an advice a little bit of ethics would do u no harm !
— adhyayan S Suman (@AdhyayanSsuman) January 21, 2019
Well Adhyayan, a word of advice – start letting your work do the talking. As you so desperately want to have an identity of your own, let your movies be so popular that people call you as an actor from that film. Sadly, to our recollection, the only film people might remotely remember you in is the one starring Kangana Ranaut. So our suggestion would be to get your act together and work towards some good films.
Also Read: Is Kangana’s ex-boyfriend Adhyayan Suman dating THIS ‘Splitsvilla’ contestant?
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