Casting couch is not a new concept in any industry and Bollywood definitely has its own incidences. Most of the actor have faced casting couch and some decide to stay mum on it. But there are some actors who have come out in the open and spoken about it. One such actor is Aditi Rao Hydari. Aditi shares her casting couch experience and the consequences.
In an interview with The Sunday Guardian, Aditi opened up about her casting couch incident. Aditi said, “I have also been in this situation, but I was able to stand up to it, make my decision and move away. I did lose work and I cried about it. I didn’t regret it but I cried about it because I felt so upset that this was true and this is how girls are treated. I was like, how dare someone speak to me like that.”
This decision of Aditi was tough, so much so that she didn’t get a job for a long time, but of course, Aditi has no regrets. The actor says, “After the incident, I didn’t get work for about eight months, but I feel that that decision made me stronger in my intention about the kind of work I wanted to do.”
She added, “The year 2013 was difficult for me as it was also the year I lost my father, but from 2014 onwards everything kind of fell into place. Sometimes you need to see a situation, deal with it, get out and be very comfortable with it, and that’s how I felt. You need to be comfortable with the consequences and have no regrets.”
That’s a lesson every new comer can learn from Aditi; be patient and things will fall in place.