Bollywood Filmmaker Aditya Chopra who is known to make the most romantic films, is quite an introvert in real life. He prefers not to display romance in his personal life. However, he pulled out all the stops for his wedding and gave his bride Rani Mukerji, the wedding that she always dreamed of. The wedding was planned in Italy but it was entirely a traditional Indian one.
As per sources, “Adi planned his wedding with as much precision as he does his films. He knew that his bride and her family wanted a traditional Bengali wedding, and that’s what he gave them. So all rituals were completely Bengali, including the blowing of conch shells, ululation, and where the brother takes his sister on a piri (a wooden seat) around the fire. Before the ceremony started, Krishna (the bride’s mother) received Adi into the family with the bor-boron ceremony.”
Sources further added , “Adi and Rani did the saat paak when the bride encircles the groom seven times, still sitting on the piri covering her face with paan (bête leaves). The couple even had comes shubho drishti, when the bride finally puts down the leaves and their eyes meet. No Bengali wedding is complete without the ululation and blowing of conch shells and Rani’s wedding had that too. Rani wore aaltaa (red dye) on her feet as a Bengali bride is supposed to wear that on her palms and feet.”
Adi even flew down a pandit to Italy and wore the traditional wedding clothes that were designed by Sabyasachi . Rani wore a traditional red and gold Bengali Benarasi silk saree while Adi wore a cream dhoti and kurta with gold embroidery on it. Rani even had white and red dots on her forehead with a big red bindi in the center as Bengali brides wear.”
Rani must have been ecstatic with her grooms display of love.