Kangana Ranaut and Aditya Pancholi’s alleged affair was the talk of the town some time back. After Kangana, Aditya Pancholi dated Jiah Khan. Kangana recently spoke up on Jiah Khan’s suicide case which is the talk of the town at present.
While interacting with the media and on being asked about Aditya Pancholi she said that there was a time when she knew Pancholi well and used to talk to him, but not any longer. She also said that she doesn’t have any equation with Aditya anymore. Talking about Jiah Khan’s suicide case, Kangana said that depression is like a disease, that should be “treated like one”. “When a person chooses to take a step like that, it is irrelevant what made them do it. Depression could be triggered by anything. You can’t blame anyone else for that state of mind,” she further added.
When Kangana was dating Aditya, there were rumours that the actress was a victim of physical violence and abuse by Pancholi.