Aditya Seal and Anushka Ranjan had a hush-hush engagement ceremony recently. Aditya got engaged to his longtime girlfriend. The couple had a private ceremony on Tuesday which was attended by close friends and family. Several friends of Aditya and Anushka Ranjan took to their Instagram stories and shared dreamy pictures from the engagement celebrations. Reports suggest that Aditya Seal and Anushka Ranjan are getting married this weekend. As per the reports, the couple is gearing up for their big wedding and will start festivities soon.
Taking to her Instagram stories, Anushka shared a picture of Aditya and her with a friend. She re-posted the post made by the friend. The actress wore a purple-black ensemble while Aditya opted for a chrome metallic kurta and black pajama. The couple looked happy as they posed for a cute picture with their friend.
In videos from the engagement ceremony, Aditya and Anushka were seen dancing. The couple was grooving romantically to a song. They did the waltz and looked magical.
Take a look at the pictures and videos below:
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Krystle D’Souza who attended the festivities shared a beautiful video on her Instagram stories. The actress gave her followers a glimpse from the engagement ceremony of Anushka and Aditya. Anushka also shared a video giving a peek into the ambience.
Meanwhile, according to a report in Free Press Journal, Aditya and Anushka’s pre-wedding festivities will kick-start soon. The report mentioned that the Mehendi and Haldi ceremony will take place from November 20 onwards.
Last month, Anushka rang her 30th birthday in the presence of close friends. Her birthday bash saw Krystle D’Souza, Alia Bhatt, sister Akansha, Vaani Kapoor, and Hrithik Roshan’s ex-wife Sussanne Khan in attendance.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt, Sussanne Khan, Vaani Kapoor attend bride to be Anushka Ranjan’s birthday bash; View Pics