Aftab Shivdasani has shared exciting BTS pics from the set of Masti 4, featuring Riteish Deshmukh and veteran actor Jeetendra. With the official shooting now underway, Aftab took to social media to post these snapshots, although notable cast member Vivek Oberoi was missing from the images. Vivek later chimed in with a playful video featuring the film’s cast and director Milap Zaveri, indicating that he would be joining the shoot shortly.
Aftab Shivdasani shares BTS pics from Masti 4 sets
In his social media post, Aftab Shivdasani captioned the pics; “The madness begins. The funniest of them so far #Masti4″. One of the images shows Aftab holding the clapperboard, marking the start of filming. Other captured moments with Riteish and Milap, along with a group shot featuring Jeetendra and the film crew.
Although Vivek Oberoi missed the film’s official launch, he ensured his presence was felt by sharing a humorous video with Milap and Riteish. He captioned the clip, “#Masti4 is now officially a love story; the bromance begins! It’s been 20 years of madness since the first film! Sorry I couldn’t make it for the launch, boys @milapzaveri @riteishd @aftabshivdasani—I’ll see you on set super soon! #Masti.”
Masti 4 is being produced by Indra Kumar and Ashok Thakeria under Maruti International. It will be made in collaboration with A Jhunjhunwala and SK Ahluwalia of Waveband Productions. The Masti franchise, which started in 2004, has already released two sequels Grand Masti (2013) and Great Grand Masti (2016). While the three male leads—Vivek Oberoi, Aftab Shivdasani, and Riteish Deshmukh. They have been consistent throughout the series. The female cast has varied with each instalment.