After Twitterati’s wrath on Congress MLA Navjot Singh Sidhu, now Kapil Sharma, the host of the show has irked them. This is due to his comment on Sidhu’s ouster from the show. Yesterday, during an event, Kapil was asked by Zee News about his opinion on banning Sidhu. To which he replied, “I feel banning someone or sacking Navjot Singh Sidhu from the show is not the solution. We need to look for a permanent solution,”
Following this comment of Kapil Sharma, public has expressed their anger on Kapil. They have now demanded not only the ban on Kapil, but they also want the viewers to unsubscribe Sony channel, where the show has been aired. Today, hashtag #BoycottKapilSharma has been trending on Twitter.
Have a look at some of the reactions by Twitterati.
Its time to #BoycottKapilSharma now
— Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga (@TajinderBagga) February 18, 2019
Look at him. Talks like a joker! So much arrogance in his voice. And No pain or any feelings for so many jawans martyerd. Abhorrent!#boycottkapilsharma
— savita SINGH (@savitasing) February 18, 2019
So, this is the real face of Kapil Sharma.. We pay them so that they can fund the anti-nationals. Time to boycott them.. I unsubscribed SONY TV. #BoycottKapilSharma #boycottkapilsharmashow
— Dilip Kumar (@gracefullydk) February 18, 2019
Not expected this from u @KapilSharmaK9. U supported the anti nationalist @sherryontopp. This country and its people only have made u the star from a zero, & u r not respecting those people & that nation. Shameful!! #boycottkapilsharma @TajinderBagga @rohit_chahal @SonyTV
— Stuti Sardana (@stutisardana) February 19, 2019
Arrogance of this level shouldn’t be tolerated &would not be tolerated anymore @KapilSharmaK9
Take your beloved @sherryontopp with u and start your show in ‘peace-loving’ Pakistan
People of country aren’t foolish or blind like u and your Guru#BoycottKapilSharma@TajinderBagga— $iÄ‘Ä‘hÄ“sh?? (@IamSiddhesh89) February 18, 2019
Unsubscribed @SonyTV
This Sony TV has its own agenda. They are traitors and having sympathy towards terrorist and Pakistan.
I request all of you to please stop watching Sony TV and Unsubscribe it asap@TajinderBagga #PulwamaAttack #boycottkapilsharma
— Kyun Batau (@BatauKyun) February 18, 2019
What do you have to say on Kapil’s comment? Do let us know your views.
Also Read: Kapil Sharma on Navjot Singh Sidhu’s ouster: Banning someone is not the solution