The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has said that it will not allow screening of Salman Khan Films’ upcoming film ‘Loveratri’ as its name distorts the meaning of a Hindu festival.
We will not allow its exhibition in cinema halls in the country. We don’t want the sentiments of Hindus to be hurt,” VHP’s international working president Alok Kumar said.
Alok added, “The film is set against the backdrop of Navratri, a Hindu festival, and the name distorts its meaning.”
Navratri is a nine-night festival for the worship of nine avatars of Goddess Durga. The festival is marked with revelry across various parts of the country and is particularly famous in Gujarat. (Also Read: ‘Loveratri’ Still: Aayush Sharma and Warina Hussain are set for Garba this Navratri)
Salman Khan is launching his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma in his home production ‘Loveratri’. The movie is being helmed by debutant director Abhiraj Minawala, who was an assistant director on films such as ‘Sultan’ and Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Fan’.
‘Loveratri’, which is said to have a backdrop of Gujarat, is slated to be released on October 5.