The hit pair of actor-director, Ajay Devgn and Milan Luthria, have teamed up again for their next venture titled ‘Baadshaho.’ The camera has not even started rolling yet but, the film has already managed to gain some attention. All thanks to the leading ladies of the film.
Apparently, the script of ‘Baadshaho’ demands two heroines to be cast opposite Ajay Devgn. These two leading ladies were Shruti Haasan and Lisa Haydon. But, if the reports are to be believed then both the ladies are no more a part of this project. Earlier we came across the news that Shruti has opted out of the project as she did not like how her character was shaped in the film. Now, the news is making the rounds that even Lisa Haydon will not be a part of ‘Baadshaho.’ Surprisingly, the news is being circulated that Shruti and Lisa have been thrown out of this film as the filmmaker feels that the characters in the film are too strong for these leading ladies.
Well, we really don’t know what the truth is behind the story but, we are surely excited to see who the leading ladies would be opposite Ajay in ‘Baadshaho.?’ Reports suggest that Milan Luthria is on a hunt for the leading ladies who would get an opportunity to work with Ajay.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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