Bollywood Actress Aishwarya Rai might have resumed her bollywood journey after her bollywood break but very few People know that in spite of getting back to movies , aish spends 4:30 to 6:30 everyday playing with her daughter daily.
Proud papa Abhishek says, “I’m growing to admire Aishwarya more and more each day. Aaradhya has her playtime reserved every evening and Ash makes sure she doesn’t schedule any appointments around those two hours because she has dedicated to spend that time with Aaradhya.”
Abhishek adds, “I love playing with my daughter too. She is a little over a year old and I’m truly amazed with the way she runs around already. However, I’m out quite frequently because of work commitments and miss being at home in the evenings. As far as Aishwarya is concerned, her time with Aaradhya is non-negotiable. She will not budge.”
Well Dadaji- Mr. Amitabh Bachchan would be very proud of this as well.