The most beautiful lady in the world Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, has taken to motherhood as ducks take to water. Recently there was news that Ash is making a comeback on the silver screen with Adman Prahlad Kakkar’s ‘Happy Anniversary’, in which she will be seen along with Sushmita Sen and hubby Abhishek Bachchan. But now it seems that it is not to be so. Aishwarya, who is enjoying every phase of motherhood with daughter Aaradhya, is keen to have her second baby. Also there is renovations being done by Big B at Jalsa and Prateeksha too.
As per sources, there are rumors that the former Miss World is not signing long time commitments, as she could apparently be pregnant with her second child. And so, now with her pregnancy rumours and the paint job at Bachchan’s bungalows it seems that Aishwarya’s fans have a long wait to see her on silver screen again.
Whatever the truth, will soon be out as these things cannot be hidden.