Superstar Amitabh Bachchan turned 79 today. As he celebrates his birthday on Monday, October 11, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan and granddaughter Aaradhya returned to the city. Jr Bachchan and his family was clicked at Mumbai airport as they returned from Dubai, for Amitabh Bachchan’s birthday. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan headed to Europe recently with her family, a few days ago. The actress was clicked at the airport as she jetted off out of the country with her husband, actor Abhishek Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya. The family had then headed to Dubai.
In a video shared by a paparazzo on Instagram, Aishwarya was clicked with Abhishek and Aaradhya. The Bachchan family was spotted when they were heading out of the airport. Aishwarya, Jr Bachchan and their daughter made a classy appearance at the airport. They looked amazing in the video. While Abhishek walked ahead, Aishwarya was seen holding Aaradhya up close to her.
Take a look at the video below:
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For their travel, Abhishek Bachchan wore black athleisure with white sneakers. The Ponniyin Selvan actress was wearing casuals. She wore a classy pink jacket with black boots. And Aaradhya was dressed in a neon sweatshirt hoodie with blue jeans. All three had donned face masks during their public appearance.
Meanwhile, Abhishek and his family returned home to celebrate Amitabh Bachchan’s birthday. Jr Bachchan even penned a heartfelt post for his beloved father and showered love on him. Big B made a public appearance on his birthday as well. The superstar was clicked as he headed out to greet fans and wave at them. See the pic below:
On the work front, Aishwarya had been to Paris for the Fashion week. Abhishek has a few films in his kitty.
Also Read: Abhishek Bachchan pens the sweetest birthday wish for his ‘hero, idol, father’ Amitabh Bachchan