Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is back with a bang. The beauty silenced her critics with a jaw-dropping red carpet appearance. This was her thirteenth year at the annual prestigious Cannes Film Festival. Though her red carpet appearance was delayed, the actress made up for it. Ash shimmered in a Robert Cavalli .
As per sources, The former Miss World looked stunning in a dazzling gold strapless mermaid-cut gown by Roberto Cavalli that showed off her curves . With her one appearance, overnight Aishwarya Rai became the talk of the town.
Two years ago, the mother-of-one was at the receiving end of much flak for her post-delivery weight. Now with the arrival of Sonam Kapoor on the fashion scene at Cannes, expectations from Aishwarya were sky-high. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has definitely outdone herself in terms of fashion and style. She has also made her critics eat their words.