September 9 plays a very important role in Akshay Kumar’s life as his Birthday falls on that day. This year it has become auspicious as Ganesh Chaturthi too falls on this day; so Akki has decided to launch the music of his upcoming movie Boss, along with welcoming Lord Ganesha and celebrating his 46th birthday.
As per sources, “the film’s title track is already out, the second song, Party All Night was released yesterday. Apart from Akshay, the song — sung and composed by Honey Singh — also features Kumar’s lucky mascot Sonakshi Sinha in a special appearance”.Akshay kumar has also added a song devoted to lord Ganesha for Boss. Looking at the popularity of the track, the makers of the film have now made a special Ganpati mix of the track, which pays respect to the Elephant God. The song will be distributed free across all Ganesha pandals around the city and state today, the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi.
Sonakshi was quite excited she said, “When I first heard it, I knew I had to be part of this song. There is so much fun and energy in the song that I am sure it will make everyone get up and dance when they hear it.”
Well seems like it is celebration times for Akshay Kumar.