Bollywood seems to have been bitten by the May-December romance bug. After Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt coming together for Gauri Shinde’s film ‘Walk & Talk’, we now have Akshay Kumar romancing the ‘Highway’ actress in Sriram Raghavan’s next. The ‘Badlapur’ director is collaborating with writer Sheeja Jose on a thriller ‘Gone With The Bullet’ that has been penned by the scriptwriter turned author.
Sheeja Jones confided, “It took me two years to complete and when things didn’t fall in place with Sujoy, I turned the script into a book. The story follows an 18-year-old girl who falls in love with a 40-something assassin.”
Sheeja further added that, “Sriram will agree to the fact that Akshay Kumar would be perfect as the brooding, dark assassin and Alia Bhatt as the new-age girl in love. It’s a hatke romance against the backdrop of bullets”
Akshay Kumar and Alia Bhatt have shared screen space a long time back when she was 6-year-old and had worked as a child artist in ‘Sangharsh’. It would be interesting to see how they fare in this new age romance.
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