Earlier today, Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi posted their selfies on social media. Teasing fans with the upcoming announcement of the film, Akshay wrote, “Kick-starting my day with a #Selfiee! Because why not?” While Emraan captioned the picture, “New look, new vibes! Inspired by@akshaykumar to start today with a #Selfiee!” Netizens started speculating that the duo is coming together for a new film. Well, later, Akshay and Emraan posted a selfie together hinting that their upcoming film is titled Selfiee.
Akshay posted a picture of himself with Emraan, both sitting on their bikes. The official announcement is likely to be made today with a teaser.
Take a look at their tweets here.
Kick-starting my day with a #Selfiee!✨
Because why not?? pic.twitter.com/lAz3lw142Q— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) January 12, 2022
New look, new vibes!✨
Inspired by @akshaykumar to start today with a #Selfiee!?? pic.twitter.com/8MhMLNUSi2— Emraan Hashmi (@emraanhashmi) January 12, 2022
Sharing their pic together, Akshay wrote, “Found myself the perfect #Selfiee partner! Hey @karanjohar, have we slayed this selfie game or what?? @emraanhashmi”.
Found myself the perfect #Selfiee partner! Hey @karanjohar , have we slayed this selfie game or what?? @emraanhashmi pic.twitter.com/N2YdXrYMCV
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) January 12, 2022
Reportedly, Selfiee is the Hindi remake of the Malayalam film Driving License. Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi will reprise the roles of Prithviraj and Suraj Venjaramoodu in the Hindi remake. As per reports, Akshay and Emraan have recorded a 53-second teaser to announce the remake. Filmmaker Karan Johar is said to be producing the movie.
It will be a treat to watch Akshay and Emraan sharing the same screen space, isn’t it?
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