Akshay Kumar will be marking his debut association with Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar’s Excel Entertainment for their upcoming film ‘Gold.’
While ‘Gold’ marks the first collaboration of Akshay and Excel, it also marks the debut of TV actress Mouni Roy into Bollywood. The fresh pairing of the lead couple also adds further excitement to the fans.
Excel Entertainment and the actor both have always been treating the audience with quality content, fresh perspectives, and stories. With their collaboration for a period sports film like ‘Gold’, there is an added buzz amongst the audience.
Akshay Kumar starrer ‘Gold’ will see the actor donning the character of a Bengali man for the first time. With the thin mustache and Bengali accent, Akshay’s Gold trailer has already piqued the curiosity of the audience.
With ‘Gold’, Akshay will also be seen collaborating with Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani for the first time with ‘Gold’. ‘Gold’ traces the journey of a hockey manager who dreams to win the first gold at the Olympics as a free country. The film has been shot in different parts of UK and India, by showing various facets and struggle in the domain of sports during the pre-independence era.
Produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar, helmed by Reema Kagti, Gold is all set to release on 15th of August, 2018.
Also Read: Video: Here’s how Akshay transformed into Tapan Das for ‘Gold’