Akshay Kumar is more than happy to receive a grand response for his latest release ‘Airlift.’ The actor who has been thanking his fans on various platforms for giving him and his movie so much love was in a deep shock today. This reason not only shook our ‘Khiladi’ Kumar’s mind but everyone who noticed it. What was the reason behind this blow?
It was the body of a dead whale which was spotted at the shores of Juhu Beach. It doesn’t stop here as the body of this mammal is 35 feet long. This was not the first time that such an incident happened, last year a 42 long foot blue whale was spotted in Alibaug.
After pictures and video of this event started to trend on the Internet, Akshay also took to his Twitter account by sharing a video of this.
Naturallly, it can be seen in the video that many on-lookers were stunned looking upon this site as well.
Tragic, isn’t it?
Check out the video below:
Look what washed ashore Juhu beach…this mighty whale measuring over 35 feet! No wonder it gathered an audience. pic.twitter.com/MJaAfQCNAM
— Ranjit Katiyal (@akshaykumar) January 29, 2016
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.
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