Akshay Kumar, who began his career in the early 1990s, has experienced both highs and lows in the Hindi film industry. Over the years, the actor has often spoken about the evolving dynamics of Bollywood. During a recent conversation with IMDb while promoting his latest film Sky Force, Akshay shared candid thoughts about the industry’s shortcomings, specifically its lack of unity. Joining him in the chat was his co-star Veer Pahariya, who inquisitively asked Akshay about his Bollywood journey.
Akshay Kumar reveals wanting more unity in the industry
One of Veer’s standout questions was, “Is there anything about movies or Bollywood that you would like to change?” Akshay responded without hesitation, “If I get a chance to change anything about our industry, then I would like to bring more unity to our industry.” He elaborated on his answer, saying, “We are like a family but, sometimes I feel that we work in isolation. We just become separate. If we come together, support each other, celebrate each other’s successes, and tackle challenges together to find solutions… If we come together as a collective force, that will create a lot of good impact on others also and the industry.”
Akshay reinforced this sentiment, saying, “Unity is lacking, respect is lacking, and that is a big thing.” Both actors highlighted the need for Bollywood to emulate the solidarity seen in the southern film industries. They emphasised the importance of collaboration and mutual respect for long-term growth and success.
About Sky Force
Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya’s film Sky Force has hit theatres and is receiving widespread appreciation. Also starring Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur, the film is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani. Sky Force is inspired by a true story.