Akshay Kumar has been busy fulfilling his professional commitments. The actor was shooting for his upcoming film Ram Setu for a while now. It was recently that he wrapped up the shooting schedule for Ram Setu. He had even shared a video on his Instagram, with the team of Ram Setu. And as of yet, the actor is not planning to take an off day. After wrapping up with Ram Setu, Kumar has jetted off to Mussoorie. Akshay Kumar has started shooting for the Ratsasan remake in Mussoorie. And a few pictures of the actor from the sets have gone viral on the internet.
A fan page of Akshay took to Instagram to share the pictures from the shooting sets of the Ratsasan remake. The actor is clicked at the St George’s College and Barlow Ganj’s main market in Mussoorie. He is spotted standing with the cast and crew on the sets. Akshay seems to be caught in a conversation, while he got clicked. The actor is wearing a jacket, with joggers. He is clicked with his co-star dressed as a female cop.
Take a look at the pictures below:
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Earlier, a few days ago, Kumar had shared a video of him from the sets of Ram Setu. He had posted the clip and announced the film wrap up. Akshay wrote, “Here’s to the wrap of yet another amazing project #RamSetu. I learned so much during the making of this film, it was like going to school all over again (sic).”
See the post below:
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On the work front, the actor has the films Gorkha, OMG 2, Ram Setu and a few others in his kitty. He has the films Prithviraj and Bachchan Pandey in the pipeline.
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