Actor Akshay Kumar had been signed by director Sanjay Leela Bhansali for his next action drama ‘Gabbar’. It was revealed that Akki will be sporting a new rough and tough look in the movie with longhair and beard. Gabbar is a remake of a south film ‘Ramana’.
As per sources, Akki posted his picture sporting a beard for ‘Gabbar’ saying , “Starting the#New Year with a new movie, a new Look & by God’s grace lot’s of Luck!! first shot for …”. Gabbar also has Shruti Haasan but she is at the moment recuperating from an appendicitis operation.
This is Akshay’s second movie with Sanjay Leela Bhansali the first being ‘Rowdy Rathore’ that went on to become an immense hit. Wish you all the luck Akki .